Camper Diaries, Week 3 | Chinese Summer Camp Blog

我最喜欢的活动 | My favorite activity

Olivia Friedberg

On Tuesday we went to M&M world. We saw the great wall of chocolate, which is a wall of M&M in every color imaginable. I have been at That’s Mandarin for two weeks. All the teachers are very nice, and I feel that my Mandarin has improved. For the cultural activity, I liked calligraphy best. As the teacher not only teaches us how to write them in the correct way but also tells us the stories about them, for example, how the ancient people write them. We “draw” the characters, It’s so interesting and amazing for me.

Elizabeth Friedberg

During the morning class, we watched videos about pigs and frogs. They were very fun. But after that, we should tell the stories in Chinese. Through the video, the teacher taught us many things related to our real life. We then take a break and get some fruit to eat. I like peach very much, big and sweet. And then, we need to learn to write down the new words we learned and some sentences we learned. The trip after lunch was also full of fun. We take the school bus to the destination which is very convenient. I like Nanjing Road most because I saw so many amazing shops there. I have been at That’s Mandarin for about 2 weeks and learned so many things. I will never forget this experience.

Oliver Beeby

我最喜欢学校二四的外出活动。星期二我去了南京路和人民公园。 南京路上有很大的M&M世界,里面有各种各样颜色的MM巧克力,非常漂亮。我想买巧克力豆,老师让我自己用中文跟阿姨说,我练习了很多中文,老师在我旁边,如果我不会说,我就问老师,带我们出去的老师们都很好,他们帮了我很多。我买了28块的糖果,和其他小朋友一起吃了。 星期三的文化课,老师带我们去了菜场买菜。非常好玩儿,我们先分组,老师给我们每组50块。出发前,我们先学习了要买的东西,然后在菜场自己买。我们很快就完成了任务,然后老师带我们去认了很多蔬菜和奇怪的鱼。最后,老师奖励我们每人一个冰激凌。我一边玩儿一边学,非常开心。我现在That’s Mandarin学了一个星期,八月等我弟弟也来了上海,我们要一起再学习一个星期。

The field trips were my favorite. Tuesday, we went to Nanjing Road and People’s Park. Nanjing Road has a big M&M store and all the colors are beautiful. When I wanted to buy some candy, the teacher had me talk to the store lady in Chinese on my own. But, she was right there while I was talking in case I needed help. The teachers are really nice and they help me a lot. For Wednesday’s cultural lesson, the teachers took us to the market to buy food. It was really fun. We were in the first group and the teacher gave each of us 50rmb. Before we left, we learned what to buy and how to ask for it. We finished really quickly then the teacher took us around to learn the names of vegetables and strange fish. Then we all got ice cream. I was playing while learning and was very happy. I’ve studied for one week at That’s Mandarin, but my brother will come for a week, so we will re-learn together.

Camper Diaries, Week 3 | Chinese Summer Camp Blog

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