Choose Your Camp Program

See a comparison of our Chinese Winter Camp programs below and choose the one that suits your child best.

Chinese Winter Camp
Chinese Winter Camp
Chinese Winter Camp
Chinese Winter Camp
Accommodation | Chinese Summer Camp

Chinese Lessons

Kids & teens aged 10-17 whose parents are in/not in China

1pm — 3:50pm
Monday to Friday

Not included

Chinese Lessons +
Cultural Activities +
Half-day Excursions +
Lunch & Snacks

Kids & teens aged 10-17
who are interested in both Chinese language & culture

9am — 3:50pm
Monday to Friday

Not included

Chinese Lessons +
Cultural Activities +
Half-day Excursions +
3 Meals a Day + Homestay +
Evening & Weekend Activities
+ Field Trips

Teens aged 14-17 who would like to stay with a local family during their study in China

7 days a week

Homestay Family

Not Sure Which Camp Program Suits Your Child Best?

Take a look at our brochure & pricelist

Chinese Winter Camp for Kids & Teens